Hello everyone, hope you’re having a great Sunday? As you know this is another Sunday where we discuss major topics and issues that surround love and relationship on our Sunday column, Sunday Love Special
PDA which stands for public display of affection is seen as a sign of love by many why a few see it as just a show off.
Some couple sometimes have quarrels over PDA because one might believe in PDA as an important measure of love while others might be more reserved about it.

Not everyone feels comfortable with public display of affection; while others may deem it as necessary, some others are shy or probably reserved about publicly display of love.
So the big question is “Is PDA a sign of love?” That and many more would be the topic for discussion on today’s Sunday Love Special column.

In discussing this issue, I believe it is appropriate to cover it comprehensively because love means different things to different people. There are people who believe in public display of affection as a way of showing love, and there are those who do not think it is that much of a big deal. You also have to consider the fact that not everyone has the boldness it takes to kiss a man/woman publicly; some of us are so shy they wouldn’t even consider the idea…So it pretty much depends on who’s involved.

Personally, though I think publicly showing one’s partner love, like kissing, hugging, or even holding hands with them on the streets can go a long way in strengthening a relationship because first of all, it sends a strong message across to onlookers that really, you two are proud of one another, and happy to be together so potential ‘homewreckers’ are warned- off. It also gives both parties a sense of security in the relationship; and the impression that they’re valued well enough to be shown off to the world like that because only someone who truly cares about you would get down like that. This doesn’t mean PDA is the only way to prove or express love/one’s feelings cos like I said, some people are extroverted/shy and may not be comfortable with kissing in public, but if you can do it, and have a partner who shares the same sentiments, it’s a good way to keep love alive.

Is PDA a sign of love? This to me is one of those questions you treat with mixed reactions. PDA is a sign of love most definitely and PDA also wouldn’t hold sway in many situations. There are many angles you can look at the matter of PDA from and I’d shed more light on them in a nutshell.
When one is in love, you don’t care what the world thinks; you show that you love your partner whether you are alone indoors or out with friends or taking a walk on the street; love comes to the fore of the relationship, it overrides you and your partner and you don’t mind; with this you can say PDA is a sign of love in that relationship because the moment that partner stops having the affection to show PDA then it could be said that the relationship is on the decline; so in this context PDA is a huge sign of love.

Also, some people who have multiple partners are quite restricted to showing PDA, they don’t feel comfortable with PDA because they wouldn’t want to ruin their other relationships; with this, a lady or a man can easily spot that their partner is hiding things or doesn’t have enough affection for them to show PDA.

PDA means care, it means affection, it shows attraction; I wouldn’t show PDA to a lady that I don’t have something for and most men out there are like that. Also, it also doesn’t mean you should pull the trigger to end a relationship because your partner doesn’t show PDA; some people are quite old-fashioned, they feel shy and reluctant to show PDA but they still are crazy about their partner. So in a situation like this, you shouldn’t use PDA as the judge to your partner’s actual feelings and emotion, but you can teach your partner to warm up to PDA rather than complain. Everyone’s exposure levels are quite different and this affects their PDA.

In a few cases I’ve also seen situations where people show PDA without really having much love or affection. These kinds of ladies can show PDA to Tom, Harry, James and the lot; these kinds of men would show PDA to Lilian, Gloria, Vivian and a host of others without minding; so if you want to base PDA totally as a sign of love then you might actually lose out.
I think PDA is a sign of love but PDA isn’t enough, PDA isn’t everything, but it is a sign of love.
What’s your take on PDA?